
rock salt

Baseline Press, 2020. 

Articles and Interviews

"Passive Alarm in Faith Paré’s “Elsewhere”"

Arc Poetry Magazine Issue 99, November 2022, Print.

"Six Questions Interview #131: Olive Andrews.

chaudiere books, July 2022.


4 poems

The Malahat Review Issue 229, February 2024.


LBRNTH number 4, August 2024.


4x4 no.3, May 2024.

"prophecy sonnet" 

Headlight Anthology, May 2024.

"Wild Blueberries" and "Dumbass"

Frog Pond Review, Fall 2023.

"love-hate poem"

DUSIE, September 2022.

3 part poetry series: 

"I’m trying to tell you," 

"orange glow," 

"loneliness moments"

Also Cool Mag, July 2021.


PRISM international Volume 57.4, Summer 2019, Print. 

"healing spell"

Metatron #Micrometa, April 2019. 

"in the two hour sunset"

Dreamers Creative Writing, 2019.


The Veg Literary Magazine Volume 14.2, Winter 2018.

5 poems

Plasma Dolphin, 2018.


"In writing"

Northern Otter Press Volume 2, May 2021, Print. 


Blue and Red thread: Review of Light Years by Laboni Islam and militant by Jody Chan

Canthius Magazine, February 2023.

"Heat Stroke: Review of Sarah Burgoyne’s because the sun"

Canthius Magazine, February 2022.

"Soft Structures: Liam Burke and Natalie Hanna’s machine dreams"

Arc Poetry Magazine, December 2021.

"Love Language: Review of knot body by Eli Tareq El Bechelany-Lynch"

Canthius Magazine, May 2021. 
